Monday, July 26, 2010

Looking at Your Electric Razor As an Investment

One thing that has really helped us guys out is the invention of the electric rechargeable shaver. Men today are on the go and quite often it is really a hassle to break out the shaving cream and shaver every day so you can look your best. Electric shavers were designed just for this reason in mind, so that you can get an outstanding shave anywhere, anytime, very quickly and without the mess. If you are in the shower, in your car, or waiting in the airport for your flight it is quite simple to whip out your electric razor and get a quick shave in. Especially for men who have particularly fast growing beards and the proverbial five o'clock shadow, these portable electric shavers are indispensable. Now there is a cost involved with buying these devices, and here we want to take a look at them as an investment, and see just how justifying up to one hundred dollars is quite reasonable.

Firstly, think about just how much you spend on disposable materials with a wet shaving system. To shave wet style you need to purchase shaving cream, a razor, and replacement blades, and if you don't have a mirror you need a hand mirror as well. You can usually buy a startup wet shaving kit for upwards of twenty five dollars. A blade usually lasts me about five shaves or so, so a five pack of replacement blades is needed just about every month which costs about ten bucks. Then you need replacement shaving cream, which is about five bucks a can and lasts about a month. So you have the startup costs, plus monthly expenses, and all of this totals about two hundred dollars per year. Think about this and you will see that these costs really start adding up quickly.

Now let us consider the time involved with wet shaving versus electric cordless shaving. I can usually wet shave and clean up in about fifteen minutes or so. With a portable electric shaver I can get a close, clean, and smooth shave in about five minutes. That is a difference of about ten minutes per day when using an electric versus the old school wet method. Saving ten minutes per day adds up to over three thousand minutes per year, which translates to about sixty hours annually. How much is your time worth? Let us just say for arguments sake that your time is worth ten dollars per hour, that mean it costs you about six hundred dollars per year to wet shave with the extra time that you need.

Let us finish this investment analysis off by looking at the numbers we have thus far. Just for the equipment to wet shave you need about two hundred dollars, and the extra time you need for wet shavings costs you about six hundred dollars. In total that is about eight hundred dollars per year that you spend with old school shaving cream and razor. With that kind of money a brand new electric shaver can be bought with over six hundred dollars to spare. So you see, purchasing an electric shaver is not just a choice but it turns out to be a wise investment as well.

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