Friday, July 2, 2010

Cellulite Treatments - Choose the Treatment That Suits You Best

Cellulite in simple terms is no more than fat deposits under the skin. Fats, fluids and toxins get trapped in the connective tissue in our bodies and form pockets that in mild cases resemble orange peel and in more severe cases have the appearance of high bumps and deep valleys.

Cellulite is commonly referred to as "cottage cheese" thighs, butt or stomach. This condition is mostly seen in women, especially if they are overweight. But some women with relatively thin thighs can still have cellulite. The fact that skinny women can have cellulite, leads some to believe that cellulite is not fat at all. Many sources including books and treatments that market cellulite "cures" advocate this misconception and go as far as claiming that cellulite is some sort of toxic-filled sludge.

A study was done by Drs. Braun-Falco and Sherwitz in the late 1970's that showed that what causes the "cottage cheese" effect of cellulite is retention of fluids in adipose (fatty tissues). This research uncovered clear signs of fluid invading the connective fibers of the upper layers of the skin.

Some studies have been done that show that approximately 85% of women that suffer from this condition have parents (mostly mothers) that also have cellulite issues. Women that do not exercise and some men too are more prone to the formation of Cellulite. Unhealthy foods together with excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods are closely linked to cellulite formation.

Cellulite is very difficult to get rid of, but not impossible. Generally speaking, a low calorie diet together with a cardiovascular exercise program or strength training has been proven to work in reducing and in some cases eliminating Cellulite. However, in order to be successful in the long term, one has to make it a way of life to continue exercising and monitoring the type and quantity of foods that they eat.

There are other more drastic measures to achieve the same results. Liposuction works extremely well in removing fatty tissues from under the skin. This together with a lift of the body area affected to tighten the resulting loose skin, is the fastest and most permanent solution for this condition. Problems with this solution are affordability (most people can't afford to pay the high costs of such procedures) as well as how intrusive these procedures are.

Another treatment is called Laser Lipolisis. This technique was developed in Italy. This is done by inserting a fiber-optic laser through small incisions on the target body part. This laser can absorb more than 500 grams of body fat per procedure.

But the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to start with a 1,500-1,800-calorie diet for most adolescents or adults, do one hour of exercise every other day and make sure that you are getting all the necessary food groups in so that you can keep your metabolism going. Relatively quick results can be obtained with a combination of cardiovascular workout combined with strength training, but there are other ways of exercising that also work well like walking, jogging, and swimming. These are not only healthy approaches, but can also be fun activities. A balanced on going approach works best and has the benefit of promoting good health.

There are other solutions that are becoming very popular, like cellulite creams that contain minerals, herbs, antioxidants, and vitamins. These creams are believed to provide much required moisture and increase blood flow to heal dehydrated and damaged cellulite-affected body parts. These creams have low acceptance rate because it can take months before results start being evident. However, for someone who hates exercising this might be the ideal solution. But keep in mind that quicker results can be achieved when some sort of weight loss diet is followed together with the usage of such creams.

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