Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brushing Off the Dead (Cells, That Is) - Naturally Exfoliating Your Skin

A lot of us want to be healthy physically, so we go to the gym almost every day and sweat the fats away. But, more often than not, we fail to give the same time and attention to the largest organ in our body, the skin. Although toxins are constantly eliminated through perspiration, it needs more than that to be at its most glowing self.

Exfoliating should be the first step in our daily regimen because it buffs away dead skin cells and impurities which exposes a new layer of fresh looking and supple skin. As such, beauty products will be greatly absorbed by the body and will therefore be more effective in keeping our skin healthy and glowing.

Exfoliating products are normally more suited for oily skin. Exfoliating dry skin should always be diligently followed with a moisturizer as exfoliating tends to dry the skin more. A special rehydration program should be done to lock in the moisture and prevent the skin from over drying. If you have normal skin, you can exfoliate every day using a gentle exfoliator. If, however, you have oily skin, four times a week of brushing off the dead skin cells is suggested.

People with dry or sensitive skin should exfoliate once every week at the most. Exfoliation, as you may not know, is most effective when done at night because the skin has already had the chance to adapt to the atmosphere. It also feels better after a stressful day at work. It should also be done more in the summer than in winter because hot temperature causes perspiration which then causes dead skin cells to stick in your skin more, resulting in more clogged pores.

The following are a few things we need to take note of when exfoliating:

o Never RUB mixtures, lotions, soaps or oils into your face. The skin in your face is thin and very sensitive. Rubbing pushes it downwards, upwards and side wards which can loosen the skin and cause wrinkles. DAB instead.
o Do not use hot water in your face because it can burn and dry it out quickly. Using lukewarm water will not only leave the skin fresh, it will also clear the clogged pores.
o ALWAYS use a moisturizer after exfoliating.

One does not have to spend thousands of dollars over expensive exfoliating products and services because you can make your very own mask or cleanser by using natural ingredients that can be found in almost every household.

Here are a few of them:

o Mix sea salt, olive oil and lemon juice together to make your own exfoliating cream that can be used depending on your skin type.
o Ground almonds mixed with powdered milk ca also be used.
o Rub a small amount of baking soda in your T-zones while in the shower or bath for a gentle yet effective exfoliating effect.
o Mix oatmeal with milk or olive oil and gently scrub the mixture all over your body; then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Towel dry. You will feel that your skin is smoother and more supple following this treatment!

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