Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Best Use an Electric Razor

Electric shavers can be complex instruments that you use on a daily basis and if you are someone that suffers from sensitive skin you may not be getting the most out of your electric razor. The first thing you want to be concerned with is the condition of the blade. You will want to make sure that your electric razor is equipped with a new, sharp blade or it may tug on your facial hair leading to increased discomfort and having to make multiple passes over the same area, leading to a greater extent of skin irritation. While electric razors don't typically require the use of a skin lubricant such as a foam or gel product, they are not fool proof either.

So, now we know that your electric razor has a fresh, sharp, and clean blade installed. The next step is to make sure that you wash your face thoroughly before using the razor. Yes, just like your mother told you when you were growing up - not washing your face can lead to significant shaving problems. In addition to weakening your shaving blades more quickly, little bits of dirt and dead skin can fall into your faces hair pores if not cleaned off the surface of the skin first.

Once you have a clean skin surface to work on your next step is to lay out an intelligent path to make the electric shaver travel in. Typically I like to work from the left side of my face, down towards the chin and back up to the right side of my face before trimming the facial hair just above the upper lip. The reason you want to have a path of travel before applying the blade is that you don't want to have to pass over an area more often than required. Doing so will contribute to skin irritation and discomfort.

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