Friday, October 1, 2010

Golf Short Game Help

These few golf tips that I am going to share with you are meant to benefit your golf game that takes place within 150 yards. At almost every golf course there are practice areas. These practice areas are usually meant for shots that are 100 yards or shorter. Sometimes they have the various distances marked off, but if they don't it is still important that you learn which irons to play and when. Practice with the irons and you will know about how far each one will send the ball with respect to your swing.

Golf is not different from other sports in that practice makes perfect. In order to improve your golf game from shorter distances, you need to find instruction on that particular topic. It is a known fact that close to 70% of the shots you take in a round of golf are from 150 yards or closer. Shouldn't you practice these shots more often? Don't always pull out your drive when you go to practice. You need to take sufficient time perfecting your short game. This is where you will shave off strokes from your score.

As with anything, you need to make time for practice. Set aside a part of each day or even every other day to practice your short game. This will help you with consistency.

Now here are the short game tips:

In your grip, don't grip the club too hard. In instances where you don't need to hit the ball that far, use a gentle grip on the club. The short game is all about touch, and a softer grip will help your touch. You don't always have to hit the ball as hard as you can. Golf is a gentleman's sport, take your time and be gentle with the club in your short game

Work on the the mechanics of your short game swing. Make sure you have the right mechanics for your chip shots, lob shots, and putting game. Also, you will need to practice hitting your irons numerous times to develop the proper mechanics.

There are many other tips out there for your short game. Check them all out. As with anything else in golf, consistency in your short game is crucial. Practice until it becomes second nature.

Keep golfing!

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