Monday, September 13, 2010

Epilators - Do They Hurt?

I suppose we have all heard the horror stories about using an epilator. Can they really be that bad? Were epilators made by men to torture us women?

Hello my name is Sue and I have been using epilators for quite some time. It was probably ten or twelve years ago when I brought my first epilator. Back then, epilators worked by removing your hair with a couple of flexible springs. As these springs were flexed in and out, they grabbed your hair between the coils, and pulled it out. Were they painful? Yes, very. I am surprised my next door neighbours did not call the police thinking someone was being murdered. That first epilator was put into a bottom draw, and never saw daylight again...

Like I said that was many years ago, and thankfully, epilators have come on a long way since then. The way they remove your hair has also changed, long gone are those dreadful springs. Epilators now work by removing you hair using spinning discs or tweezers that are far gentler on your skin.

You can now buy epilators that work under water. These are great to use in the bath or shower. The hot water helps you to relax, and, open up your pores helping the epilator remove your hairs much more easily.
Some epilators come with ice packs, or, special creams, which help to reduce any discomfort you may feel whilst using them. Others come with special heads or attachments to help you reach those fiddly little places. It is also a good idea to pull your skin tight when removing your unwanted body hair.

O.K, I know what you are saying, all this innovation is great but has it helped reduce the pain? Well my answer is no. Sorry, just kidding. From my personal point of view, and, looking back to my original experience, I would have to say yes, it has. I would be lying if I said there was no pain involved at all, but, it is a great deal less than using one of those older epilators. Read what other women say, time and time again, you will see the same words appear: the more you use it the less pain you feel.

I am sure you have seen the same thing crop up again and again, in all epilator reviews; "The more you use it, the less discomfort you will feel."

I really do believe this is true.

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