Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tracking Down the Best Electric Shaver

Do not run out and buy either the most expensive or the cheapest electric shaver you can find! If you are anything like me, you are going to make a decision that will probably involve getting the most effective product for the cheapest price. I need to have things done quickly, and I want to shave quickly so I can get out of the door to work. Upon thinking the process out, however, you might make a better decision based on your specific needs. Often, as I will explain later, going cheaper is the best decision.

Picking an electric shaver is a decision that needs to be made based off of two factors. Firstly, what type of facial skin do you have? Some of us have used razors our entire lives. That is definitely going to leave your skin a lot more tender that the grand majority of people. Personally, I do not enjoy getting the electric shavers that put out a little gel as you shave. Sure, it might feel nice as you go, but at the same time it may be more likely to wear down the shaver more quickly. I like value things that last and cost me less money in the end. Secondly, what do you want your facial hair to look like? Getting a beard trimmer is always a good option for those who can stand the constant itch that comes with having facial hair. If you just have a simple mustache or a short goatee you may use the back end of an electric shaver as most come with a trimming tool on the back now.

All electric shavers are going to do the job quickly. That is one reason why going with a cheaper option may be better for you. Another reason is that all electric shavers need to have their heads replaced! In case you have not noticed after using your electric shaver for a few months, the blades grow dull. Usually you will find that buying a more expensive shaver also entails buying more expensive replacement heads. Do the research. Find out what is out there on the market that will help you save money, and still get a great shave!

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